Nancy Drew The Haunted Carousel For Mac Download Torrent

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Description of Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel Windows

Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel (aka Нэнси Дрю. Заколдованная карусель, Nancy Drew 8) is a video game published in 2003 on Windows by Her Interactive, Inc.. It's an adventure game, set in a detective / mystery, licensed title, amusement park and puzzle elements themes.

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Walkthrough by WITCHEN=O)
November 2000Preliminary Tips:

1. Exhaust all conversation opportunities; ask everything of everyone.
2. If people aren't where you expect them to be, reset the alarmin your (Chinese)bedroom according to the clipboard schedule in the diningroom.
3. People don't move around. If they are in the mansion atall, they will be where you saw them last.
4. If you get stuck, go to the parlor and call everyone on the telephonelist. If there's still no new action, reset the alarm again.
5. There is no difference in story line between junior and seniordetective levels, except the puzzles are more difficult to solve at seniorlevel.


After the introduction, you find yourself in the Chinese guest room;Nancy's room.

Rotate your view around from the center of the room, until you cansee a tapestry hanging on the wall to the left of the door. Walkover to the poem and notice the highlighted words. Hmmm, these look significant. It might be a good idea to make a note of them. Turn to your rightand find Nancy's luggage. Use the key in your inventory to unlockthe upper suitcase and check out Nancy's journal entries. You willbe coming back to this several times.

Moving further to your right, notice the little, green, jade dragonsculpture resting on the fireplace mantel. Examine it in close up and seethe Hanzi symbol meaning DAUGHTERS, on the base. Make a note of thesymbol beside the appropriate word on the list of highlighted words yougot from the tapestry.

Leave the room and go forward then left at the hall intersection.Go left again to find yourself outside Abby's door. Knock on thedoor and talk to Abby about everything.

Go down to the dining room, by turning right from Abby's door andgoing around the corner of the hallway to the right. Go down thestairway to the carpeted hallway and enter the double paneled door at theend of the hallway. Not the one with a stained glass window.

Get acquainted with Rose. She will eventually ask you to solvea wood inlay puzzle that is on the floor behind where she is sitting. Click below the china closet to get to the puzzle. There is one subtletrick to solving this apparently easy puzzle. When you place a tileit must highlight before you snap it into place. Note: Be cautionedthat there are six small, right triangles that can be rotated in differentdirections, so they are interchangeable inside the puzzle frame. If all the pieces are fitted correctly, there shouldn't be any white linesshowing between the pieces or around the edge of the puzzle.

When you have successfully completed the wood inlay puzzle, go backand talk to Rose again. She will talk to you about some additionaltile work (this time its ceiling tile) that needs to be completed. Go look at the tea set on the sideboard to the right of the door whereyou came into the room. See the clipboard. Make a note of thenames and the times those persons are supposed to be in the mansion. It will come in very handy later in the game. While you are in thevicinity of the sideboard, check out the drawer on the right below thetea set. Examine the fire insurance policy. Particularly note theHanzi symbol for FIRE and, as with the symbol for the word DAUGHTERS, enter the symbol for the word FIRE to your word list from the tapestryin the Chinese guest room.

Leave the dining room and go left toward the door with the stainedglass window. Place your cursor over the door to the right of theone with stained glass. This is the door to the cellar. Godown the stairs and talk to Charlie. Exhaust all conversation. Then,come back up the stairs and go into the main entry hall through the stainedglass doors.

Look around until you find the painting equipment under some scaffolding. Move the paint roller pan around until you come up with a paint scraper. Turn around and enter the door to the parlor, directly behind you. Look around in the parlor and check out everything. You should findsome dead roses and some interesting documents in a box on the sofa infront of the fireplace. There is a directory listing from an oldtelephone book (note the name 'Valdez') and a legal document concerningthe sale of the mansion. Go to the cabinet in the corner that ispainted with roses. Open the door beneath it and find note the fireextinguisher. Nancy will comment about knowing where it is.

Go to the writing desk in the corner to the left to the single doorwhere you entered the room. Open the drawer on the lower left sideand read the letters.

Call Emily (and the others, if you like) and learn about Hanzi symbols.

Go back to your room (Chinese guest room) either by way of the spiralstaircase in the hallway to the dining room, or by the double grand stairwayin the main entry hall. Remember to watch and listen for ghosts.

Nancy Drew The Haunted Carousel For Mac Download Torrent

Open your suitcase and look at your journal entries again. Then go to the clock radio on the table to the left of the bed and setthe alarm for noon. Just press 'alarm,' use the up and down arrowsto find the appropriate time, then press 'set' to activate the alarm. The alarm will sound a 'beep, beep, beep' immediately, signaling the timefor you to rise from your nap and start sleuthing again.

Go to the parlor again (where the telephone is) and find the doublewood doors. This is the study. Enter the study and talk to Louis,the antique dealer. Turn left when he dismisses you (he's very busy)and examine a book left of the standing world globe, entitled 'Legendsof San Francisco.' The book contains valuable information on an actressof the Victorian era, named Lizzie Applegate.

Scan the room and find a Mah Jong set opened between two green chairs. Note the Hanzi symbol for the word FOUR, write the symbol down on yourword list from the tapestry in the Chinese guest room. (Be sure tocopy down all Hanzi symbols!)

Face Louis' desk and off to the left of it, in the bookshelves, youwill find a hot spot. Move the books on the shelf to find a ceramictile. Click on it an put it in your inventory.

Go out of the study, the parlor and back upstairs to Abby's room. She will tell you about a seance she has planned for that evening. She is holding the seance in the cellar. An appropriately spookyspot, don't you think? You will immediately attend the seancein the cellar via a cutscene. And, you will hear the supposed spirit of'Valdez' speak.

After the seance you will wake up back in the Chinese guest room;your room. Check the clock. It is ten p.m.

Go downstairs to the cellar to do some exploring while you have achance to be alone. Go to the small table to the right of the fireplaceat the end of the room. Find the compartment in the pedestal of the table.Open it to find a smoke machine, a film projector, and a tape cassette. Take the tape.

Back out of the table scene and turn to your left to click on thecash register sitting on the bar of the old saloon. Push a cash registerkey to open it. Take the key you find in the cash drawer. Then,back out of the scene and turn to your right to find a work table witha tool box sitting on it. Look in the tool box and take Charlie'sscrewdriver.

Return to the area just below the stairway. Open up the pianobench to find the sheet music for the song, 'Swanee River.' Alsonote the Hanzi symbol for RIVER. Remember! Write it down in the appropriatespot on your word list.

Go back up to your room and set the alarm for 6 a.m. When youwake up, go around the bed and pry open the bed post finial (watch forthe hot spot) with your paint scraper. You will find the key to anantique writing desk.

Leave your room and find the area where the ladder is standing inthe hallway. Ascend the ladder and scrap away at the ceiling tileswith your paint scraper. You will find a hidden trap door. Use the skeleton key you found in the cellar cash register to open thetrap door. Climb up into the attic. Wow, its really creepyup here.

Scan around the room and open the antique writing desk (red top)with the key you found in the bed post. Find a play bill for 'TheBandit's Treasure.' Find a sheet of music for 'The Bandit's Treasure.' Notice that five of the music notes at the top of the page are darkenedwith a circle. Find the letter signed by E. Valdez. Interesting.
Find the Hanzi primer (book) with the Hanzi symbol for BEGINNINGwritten out several times as if someone were practicing. Youknow where to copy that symbol down.

Look around the attic some more and find a heavy old flat iron (thekind used for ironing clothing) in a small chest. Find a crowbarin an old tool box. Then find a second ceramic tile on top of a woodenbarrel, along with several colored bottles.

Try to leave the attic by pulling on the rope attached to the trapdoor. Oh gad! It was rotten and it broke away. How will youget out of here? Are you trapped up here forever? Maybe you are destinedto become the next ghost haunting the mansion. Eeek! Well now, calmdown and think a minute. How about trying that crow bar youjust now conveniently discovered? Oh great!

Go back downstairs all the way to the cellar. Play the darkenedmusic notes you found on the 'Bandit's Treasure' sheet music. Thenotes are BEGAG. In front of you, you have seven notes you can play;left to right number 1 through 7. If you can't read music, just hit6 2 4 5 4.

You will be presented with the opportunity take to a piece of paperpiano music roll from the area behind the doors on the upper part of thepiano. The paper is laying on on the bottom of the compartment.

Leave the cellar. Go all the way back up to the attic, using theladder and the skeleton key. Go to the antique desk again andopen it. Place the partial music roll from the player piano on topof the lyrics section for the song 'The Bandit's Treasure.'

Decipher the letters you see through the punched holes in the musicroll:


Leave the attic and go to the double grand staircase. Stopat the landing. Look at the banister in front of you. See those letterscarved into the bottom of the spindles? Guess what? You haveto rotate the spindles accurately in order to get the correct message tospell out: D I E G O This puzzle is more complex in the SeniorDetective mode, with a wider variety of turning spindle options. But, the principle is the same. Just keep turning and changing whichspindles you turn, until you get DIEGO to appear in the right order.

You will find a gold Hanzi symbol wrapped with a scroll, in a secretcompartment under the banister. The scroll is actually a letter fromE. to Diego.

Go back down to the dining room and talk to Rose again. Shewill ask you to fix the dumbwaiter. Remember those white boxes onthe walls in the main and upstairs hallways? Go to the one on themain floor, outside the dining room. Open it to find a broken ropehanging down. Attach the old flat iron you found in the attic tothe rope.

Go upstairs to the other dumbwaiter in the hallway. Open it. You will find a third ceramic tile and, on a broken tea cup, the Hanzisymbol for EYE.

Go to the Chinese room again and examine the journal in Nancy's suitcase. As you turn to the door to leave the room again, someone quickly slipsan envelope under the door. Open it. Ewwwww. Sounds likesomeone is trying to get you out of the mansion before you discover what'sreally going on with all these so-called accidents that Charlie is gettingblamed for.

Go down to the parlor. You will find that the box of paperson the sofa is smoldering and smoke is filling the room. MOVE QUICKLY.Turn and take the fire extinguisher out of the cabinet with painted roses. Click on the flaming box to hear Nancy yell 'Fire! Then, as fast as youcan move, grab your fire extinguisher out of inventory and and clickon the box to put out the fire. If you don't make it in time andit is 'too late,' just go to your Menu and hit Second Chance. Youwill get one!

Afterward, you find yourself in a conversation with Rose about thefire in the parlor. Then, go back to the parlor and look at the semi-burnedpapers in the bottom of the box. You should recognize some of thecontent from the letters you read in the left hand drawer of the writingtable with the telephone.

Go back upstairs to the Chinese room. You will overhear a heatedargument between Rose and Abby as you go down the hall. Look at thejournal in the suitcase again. Then, set the alarm for 10 a.m.

Go back down to the study, off of the parlor, where you first foundLouis. Go stand in front of the fireplace. Put the three ceramictiles you have found in their appropriate places under the fireplace mantle. Pull on the left andiron, the Phoenix birds, to reveal a secret passageopening in the bookshelves.

Enter the secret passageway and and find a painting of a little girlin a yellow dress. Click on the little gold name plate at the bottomof the frame. You will see the Hanzi symbol for CHILD. You know whatto do. :)

Look up to your right to find a lantern. Take it. Find a loosebrick above the lantern and move it and a sliding cover, to see eye holes. Peek through and watch suspicious activity on the part of Louis. Clickto the right of the opening to close the slider and click again to exitthe scene.

Leave the secret passageway and return upstairs to the Chinese room.Set the alarm for 7 p.m. Then, do back to the cellar and use thecrow bar to pry up the grating in the bottom of the fireplace there. Is it dark down there or what? Probably spiders under there, at least! Descend to a tunnel area under the floor. Use your lantern to light yourway. You will find Charlie's secret living space. He hasn'tbeen living with friends at all, has he? Wonder why he lied? Read the postcard from Charlie to his Mom and Dad. Find a computerdiskette and take it. Find a Chinese food take out box with the Hanzisymbol for KING on it.

Go back to the Chinese room and set the alarm for 3 p.m. Godown the hall and enter Abby's room. She is out of the mansion atthis time. By the way, are you seeing and hearing ghosts, from timeto time? Or do you think it is just your imagination?

In Abby's room, look around until you find a spider charm in a blackjewelry box on the shelf under Abby's stereo system. Unlock the armoire(freestanding clothes closet) with the spider charm. Find an elaboratepublic address system. Play around with it and have fun playing all theghost sounds. Insert the tape cassette from your inventory and hearthe Valdez sound track from Abby's seance. What a fake! Why is Abby doingthis?

Look around the room and find a two-way mirror on the wall that overlooksthe hallway. This is the mirror that shows the ghostly female figure whenyou are walking down the hallway. Snoop around on Abby's desk andthen open the drawer to find a package of MoonStone incense with the Hanzisymbol for MOON on the wrapper.

On the stand in the corner, with the picture of Abby and a male companion,find a book about the Chinese Zodiac signs and the correct order of theanimals. Might be a good idea to write down the names of the animalsin order. Or, save your game here so you can pop right back and take alook at this page in the book. It'll come in handy later, believeme!

You will need to replace the spider in Abby's jewelry box beforeyou are allowed to leave her room.

Go back to the study (where Louis hangs out) and play the maze gameon his laptop computer. Just click on the maze game on the screen.You don't need a user name or password to enter the maze game. Wanderaround in the maze until you come across a blue pool on the floor. Walk into the pool and you will be presented with a menu that allows youaccess to some of Louis' files. Find the list of all Louis' securitycodes. You need the combination for his briefcase, at least. (I wrote all the numbers down, just to be on the safe side.)

When you have completed that, put the diskette into the laptop (backout twice) and look at Charlie's outline for his upcoming college termpaper. Another interesting bit of information, huh?(Note: Be sure you first put the diskette into the slot on the bottom right sideand enter the laptop password.)

Go to Louis' briefcase and use the combination to open each sideof the lock. The left side takes the first four numbers. Theright side takes the second set of four numbers. Use the middle,grayish, area of the lock to establish the correct codes.

When you have opened the briefcase, you find a book. Note thereference to 'Gum Bo Fu'.

Go to the parlor. Call Emily. Get as much information as youcan about Gum Bo Fu. Emily doesn't know that much, but tells youto go around and talk to everyone you can about it.

Go down to the cellar and talk to Charlie. (You may need torun upstairs and reset the clock here to make sure Charlie is in the cellarwhen you want him to be.) Charlie will tell you he had nothing todo with the fire. You will automatically return his term paper computerdiskette. Charlie will talk about his term paper and tell you thatthere were many rumors about a robbery. Charlie says that he thinksEl Diablo isn't a real person, but a composite of several notorious outlaws. He also tells you that he doesn't have a clue as to what Gum Bo Fu is.

Go talk to Louis in the study. (You may need to run upstairsand reset the clock here to make sure Louis is in the study when you wanthim to be.) He says its a shame that those papers were lost in thefire. Ask Louis about Gum Bo Fu. Louis will ask you where youheard about Gum Bo Fu. If you tell him you found it in a book, youare in trouble. But then, you always get a Second Chance, sogo ahead and try it if you like. Otherwise, choose to tell him thatyou saw it in a magazine instead. Louis will tell you that Gum BoFu means 'House of Great Books.'

Go talk to Rose in the dining room. She will tell you that everyoneis leaving the mansion for a while. She also says she has taken down atapestry in your room and that a letter has come for you. She hasleft it is your room as well.

Go up to the Chinese room and find the letter from Emily on the chairbeside your suitcases. Pick it up and read it. Discover that GumBo Fu doesn't mean 'House of Great Books' at all! Louis lied to you. Gum Bo Fu means 'Gold Treasure Mansion!' Wow! Now we are gettingsomewhere.

See that the Hanzi symbol for GOLD is also written on this letter. If you are playing in junior mode, the first symbol (gold) will highlightwhen you place your cursor over it. If you are playing in seniormode, it will not.

Turn and go to the right side of the bed. The tapestry on thelower part of the wall is gone, as Rose explained. Find the hot spot. Find that the wooden tiles can be pushed in. These are the same littleChinese symbols that you saw in the Zodiac book in Abby's room. Pushthe tiles in in order. Find the safe behind the tiles.

The combination lock reflects all of the Hanzi symbols that correspondwith the highlighted words on the tapestry beside the door. Okaythen. Here's where that list of words and their equivalent symbols comesin handy. Input the Hanzi symbols in the order of the words as they areshown on the tapestry. Press the arrow after each symbol is linedup under the arrow. You turn the dial by moving your cursor leftor right of the lock until you see a yellow swirled directional arrow.Then click to move the dial on the lock.

You will find Lizzie Applegate's and Diego Valdez' marriage certificate. Put the gold Hansi symbol you found under the stairway banister on thepyramid box. You will be presented with the Flip Puzzle. Changeall the moons to suns. The puzzle is very easy in junior mode. In senior mode, there are more squares, which complicates the puzzle significantly. However the solution is as follows, where a number is the square to clickon: (It isn't necessary to click the numbers in order, just clickon the correct squares.


Next you will be presented with the bane of most all adventure gamers,a dreaded slider puzzle. There is no solve for this puzzle, eitherin junior or senior mode. The senior slider is much more complex,with more tiles, than the junior version. The way I solved it wasto run down to the main hall again and sketch the Phoenix bird paintedon the hardwood floor. That really expedited the solution.

When you have solved the Phoenix slider you will be rewarded witha huge red jewel. Put it in your inventory. It is a missing eyeball fromthe Phoenix finials on the grand staircase. Go to the Chinese roomand set the time for 4:00 p.m. Then go down and put the red jewelin the appropriate eye socket of the Phoenix finials. Then, go tothe Phoenix symbol on the floor and use your crow bar to remove the floorboards. WOW! You will get a smack on the head and wake up tosee Louis taking the hidden treasure of gold coins from beneath the floorboards.That rotten Louis!

QUICKLY, run up the staircase to your immediate right. Go up acrossthe landing and down the other side to the clamp where you see the twistedrope holding the crystal chandelier. Click on the rope, at the clamp, threetimes. You will see the effect of your action. Move as quickly asyou can. The chandelier will come crashing down, pinning the connivingLouis under it. He is trapped and will have to face justice for his attemptedthievery!

Another huge Nancy Drew success! Our Hero! Mystery solved.

This document may onlybe distributed with permission from the author Witchen =O) email
The content of this documentmay not be altered in any way without the express written permission ofthe author.
Any proposed changesor additions to the walkthrough may be submitted to Witchen =O) at

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