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Precious Synopsis
Withsheer audacity and utter authenticity, director Lee Daniels tackles“Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire” and creates an unforgettablefilm that sets a new standard for cinema of its kind. Precious Jones(Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe) is a high-school girl with nothing working inher favor. She is pregnant with her father’s child - for the secondtime. She can’t read or write, and her schoolmates tease her for beingfat. Her home life is a horror, ruled by a mother (Mo’Nique) who keepsher imprisoned both emotionally and physically. Precious’s instinctstell her one thing: if she’s ever going to break from the chains ofignorance, she will have to dig deeply into her own resources.
Don’tbe misled - “Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire” is not a filmwallowing in the stillness of depression; instead, it vibrates with thekind of energy derived only from anger and hope. The entire cast areamazing; they carry out a firestorm of raw emotion. Daniels has drawnfrom them inimitable performances that will rivet you to your seat andleave you too shocked to breathe. If you passed Precious on the street,you probably wouldn’t notice her. But when her story is revealed, asDaniels does in this courageous film, you are left with an indelibleimage of a young woman who - with creativity, humor, and ferocity -finds the strength to turn her life around.
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Movie Synopsis: Set in Harlem in 1987, claireece 'Precious' Jones is a 16-year-old African American girl born into a life no one would want. She's pregnant for the second time by her absent father; at home, she must wait hand and foot on her mother, an angry woman who abuses her emotionally and physically.